Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sleep Apnea Energy Essay example - 840 Words

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder affecting millions of Americans today. It is basically a disruption in ones sleep pattern. Research states that †¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sleep apnea affects an estimated 5% to 10% of Americans and is undiagnosed in most of them† (Weintraub, 2013, p. 1) Sleep apnea contributes too numerous health issues within the human body or worse death. For these reasons, further research and treatments should be funded. The USA Today article entitled â€Å"Sleep Apnea Booming; New Treatments Offer Alternatives† (Weintraub, 2013, p. 1)brings to light the growing numbers of Americans that are undiagnosed and untreated for sleep apnea. And worse how most doctors fail to even diagnose patients with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea use to be seen just as an†¦show more content†¦Oxygen is one of the key nutritional inputs to the process of life specifically energy. Sleep apnea disrupts your breathing while you sleep. This disruption limits the oxygen that gets into the body which limits the body’s ability to produce energy. This course also provides background information that helps one to understand the article and the larger issue surrounding it in several ways. From the molecule of life, to cell structure, to how the body captures and releases energy all provides the basic foundation for understanding the inns and outs of biology (The study of life). Just like most cells have similar pieces and parts; it is fair to hypothesis that through research, the rote cause for sleep apnea may be similar to other health issues. This article caught my attention due to myself being diagnosed with sleep apnea. I have always been told that I snored. My snoring has been compared to having a running diesel lawnmower in the bed room. I never thought much of this criticism. Reading this article made realized that I have always had but had been totally unaware of the symptoms for sleep apnea. As a United S tates Marine, I was always in great physical shape, but yet, I was always tired and took daily naps. Speaking to a fellow Marine about my constant fatigue, he made me aware of the disorder called sleep apnea. Up until that point, I had never heard of it. I then realizedShow MoreRelated Sleep Deprivation and Reduction, Sleep Disorders, and the Drugs used to treat them.1131 Words   |  5 PagesIt is important for everyone to get enough sleep, but many people often ignore it. If people do not get enough sleep they may experience sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can have negative effects. When people do not get enough sleep or less, they may feel crabby and unable to function as well as they usually do the next day. Balancing work and parenting as a single parent in today’s society is tough. 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